In the alternate storyline of Fractures of Time, Anachrony’s first major expansion, the four original Paths and the newly formed, sanguine Path of Unity have gained access to a powerful new technology called Flux. Flux Cores can be acquired in the Amethynia Valley, the expansion’s new main zone.
In the alternate storyline of Fractures of Time, Anachrony’s first major expansion, the four original Paths and the newly formed, sanguine Path of Unity have gained access to a powerful new technology called Flux. Flux Cores can be acquired in the Amethynia Valley, the expansion’s new main zone.
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Publisher | Mindclash |
Year | 2020 |
Language | English edition |
Edition | latest retail |
Categories |
Time | 90 - 150 mins. |
Minimum Age | 15 |
# of players | 1 - 4 |
Themes | Science Fiction |
Mechanics | execution of unique special abilities, worker placement |